Hutto Wine Bar
Women In Wine
Women have long since been heavily involved in the curation and creation of high quality wine throughout the world but have not always received the recognition.

Fill Your Locker With Wines You Choose.
Hutto Wine Bar offers climate-controlled Wine Lockers available for annual rental. No minimum bottle count or purchase from Hutto Wine Bar required.
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Members Only Club
At HWB, there are perks to being a wine lover. Join the HWB Members Only Club and enjoy discounts, exclusive offers, and more when you sign up.
Purchase a HWB Gift Card
Come see us at our location to purchase.

Meet Hutto Wine Bar Owner, Meg
After making a career in the software industry working for large corporations, owner Meg Hiney decided to follow a longtime dream of opening a business in the city she calls home. Wine has always been at the center of every big moment in her life: graduations, weddings, birthdays and everything in between.